Complex performance test

Performance analysis:

  • We set down 5 training zones
  • VO2max raport
  • Anaerobic Thresold (AT) and Respiratory Compensation Point (RCP)
  • Fat burning zone
  • Lactate analysis (blood is taken during and after testing of finger or an ear tip)
  • Before the testing we provide body composition measurement
  • The interpretation and consultation are made after every test.


Price: 80 EUR

Price is negotiable for organized groups.


  • At first you neet to be healthy and rested.
  • Athlets must have at least two days off from hard training before diagnostic.
  • Diagnostic takes 25 to 45 minutes
  • Athlets are performing unless they refuse to continue so they need to have enough of power.
  • Running the test while overtired will not bring seeking effects.
  • It’s advaiced to have light meal about 3 hours before testing.
  • Before the test is not allowed to drink coffee, strong tea or smoke cigarettes.
  • Tests are performed using H/P Cosmos treadmill, Excalibur Lode ergometer or Cyclus2 ergometer where you can use your own bike.
  • You need to prepare sport clothing, towel and water,
  • We provide a shower room.