
After hours of exhausted training or just stressfull day treat yourslef to a massage. Your blood pressure goes down, your production of stress hormones decreases, and your muscles relax.

A good massage is truly a treat and offers many health benefits. It helps to bring your stress level down and to decrease muscle tension.

During the massage blood cyrculation and lymphatic fluids are stimulated so we clear out of toxin  firms and soften a skin and sustain immunity.

Massage helps relief the back pain wchich can be caused by long sitting hours or just hard working day.
In Podium Hotel and Diagnosix Centre we have two massage rooms at our disposal so we can proviede massages for two people in one time.

Swedish Massage

….is healing and relaxing treatment. Relieves muscle tension and soothes nerves.. Swedish massage together with aromatherapy and music therapy helps to reduce anxiety levels, muscles cramps, joints pain and tension headaches.

Treatment time: 30 minutes – price: 15 €

Treatment time: 60 minutes – price: 28 €